Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Are you planning to attend digital marketing interviews? Worrying about how to prepare for the interview, here is the list of top Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers.

Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

1) What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is the process of  marketing products or services using digital technologies on the internet through laptops, desktops, mobile phone apps, display advertising and many other digital platforms.

It mainly works on attracting customers towards your website or blog and encouraging them to look after their products or services. 

2) Types of Digital Marketing?

  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Search Engine Marketing (Google Ads/PPC)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Viral Marketing

3) How can you categorize Digital Marketing?

 Digital Marketing is categorized by 2 segments.

1. Inbound Marketing:  Using different platforms like social media, E-books, Webinars to increase the number of clicks on links and learn more about the company and its products/services.

2. Outbound Marketing: Process of reaching potential customers through digital mediums by pushing your products/services in front of them.

4) What is Traffic?

Number of people landing on the website is called the traffic of the website.

There are different types of traffic:

  • Direct Traffic
  • Organic Traffic
  • Paid Traffic
  • Referred Traffic
  • Social media 
  • Email Marketing
  • Targeted and Untargeted traffic

5) Define Leads?

 If anyone visits the website and shows interest in the product/ service/ brand and willingly drops their contact details on the website then it is called Leads.

6) Why is Digital Marketing preferred over Traditional Marketing?

Because of the Following Reasons:

  • Cost Effectiveness
  • High Internet usage now-a-days
  • Analysis is easy and better tracking of leads
  • Better performance focused Return on Investments (ROI)
  • It’s easy to interact with customers
  • Product information is easily available to customers
  • Getting feedback from customers is easy
  • Global reach

7) How will you determine if a link is a bad link?

  • Links from low page rank, less traffic and low domain authority
  • Links from websites not indexed by Google
  • Links containing irrelevant context
  • Repetitive links
  • Paid links
  • Spam links
  • Links pointing link exchanges
  • Links from same anchor texts from different websites

8) What are the best ways to increase website traffic?

By following these methods we can increase website traffic:

  • Paid search
  • Social Media advertising
  • By writing interesting headlines
  • Target long tail keywords
  • By doing SEO activities
  • Guest Blogs
  • Email marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Internal Linking
  • Display advertising

9) Difference between Branding and Direct Marketing?

Branding: Here advertiser has to expose his brand to sites and applications which are having higher audience reach.

Ex- Display Ads, YouTube Ads, Custom Ads, Remarketing.

Direct Marketing: The advertiser is mostly interested in communication about their products/services to the target audience.

Ex- Dynamic search Ads, Shopping Ads.

10) What is Market?

It is a place where people gather regularly for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock and other commodities.

Ex- Fish market, Vegetable market  and Supermarket.

11) Define Marketing?

Marketing is systematically communicating your product/service value to people who can buy it.

12) What is Marketing Mix?

It is a set of factors that can be controlled by a company to influence its market and to purchase its products.

There are  4P’S of Marketing Mix-

a) Product: A product is an item or a service that can be offered to a customer to satisfy his/her needs.

2 types:

Tangible products: These are physical goods that are manufactured by the company to satisfy its customer needs.

Intangible products: These are digital products that have no physical shape. Ex- A mobile app, A downloadable document etc. 

b) Price: The price of a product is the amount that a customer has to pay the  company for the product.                                                                        c) Place: Place is the location where the business is carried out.

d) Promotion: Promotion is the communication aspect of marketing.    .

13) What is Branding?

  •  Branding is the process of establishing an image for the companies Name, Term or Symbol in the customers eye.
  • Branding is mainly done to help customers remember the company and its products.
  • Makes it easier to acquire new customers.

14) Define Advertising?

Advertising is the activity of Publishing advertisements that draw customers attention towards the product or service and encourages the customers to purchase it.

If a business uses internet technologies to deliver promotional advertisements to customers it is called Digital Advertising. PPC, Social Media Ads, Video Ads and Email campaigns are most commonly used digital advertising methods.

15) Define Sales?

It is an activity of exchanging products or services for money. All marketing strategies, promotional activities, branding methods are for generating sales.

16) What is Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)?

Segmentation: It is the process of dividing a market of potential customers into groups or segments based on different characteristics like country, city, age, gender, income etc.

Targeting: Based on the needs customers can be targeted.

Positioning: It is the customer’s perception of a brand  in relation to competing brand

Digital Marketing Interview Questions - SEO

SEO Interview Questions and Answers

1) Define the Following Terms

WWW-World Wide Web:  It is a subset of the internet consisting of the pages which will be accessed by the web browser.

HTTP- Hyper Text Transfer Protocol: It is the method used to transfer web pages to your computer.

URL-Uniform Resource Locator: It is the address of the world wide web page.

Hyperlink(Link): A Hyperlink indicates the  whole document or to a specific  element within a document.

Hypertext (anchor text): Text with Hyperlink

Web Page: A Hypertext document connected to the world wide web is called web page.

Website: It is the gathering of related web pages.

2) What is the Domain Name?

Domain name is nothing but your website name. It is the address  where internet users can access your website on computer. Previously there will be an IP address which consists of a series of numbers.

It is difficult to remember the numbers for people, hence domain names are created instead of numbers. Domain names can be letters and numbers.

3) What is Domain Extension?

It is the notation at the end of a web address that represents the internet category or a country code. 

Internet category examples: .com – commercial, .org – organisation, .gov – government, .edu – education, .net – network

Country code examples: .us – USA, .uk – UK, .in – India

 4) Web Hosting:

Web Hosting is nothing but buying space on the internet where you store your website and serve it to users from there. Whenever users want to visit your website they just type the domain name in their browser.

 Their computer connects to your server and your webpages delivered to them through the browser.

5) Define SERP?

SERP- Search Engine Results Page.

Google will show results based on your search for a particular phrase or word.

Search results will be 2 types

  1. Paid/Inorganic: These are nothing but pay-per-click ads (PPC).
  2. Organic: They are also called as natural search results, they are different types 
  1. Featured Snippets
  2. Image Pack
  3. Video Pack
  4. Knowledge Panel
  5. Public Data Snippets 
  6. Related Questions
  7. Local Pack
  8. Rich Snippets

6) What is a Keyword?

Keyword is any search term or query that users enters on google that has a results page where websites are listed.

7) What is Keyword Density?

 The number of times keyword repeating in the content is called keyword density. Keyword Density should be around 1-3% for each page.

8) What is Keyword Proximating?

 It is defined as the distance between the keywords repeating itself in the content.

9) What is Keyword Difficulty?

 It is the score which helps you determine whether to rank for the particular keyword is easy or difficult. 

10) What is Keyword Stemming?

 Keyword stemming is the process of identifying the root word from the search query.

11) What is Keyword Stuffing?

Keyword stuffing is nothing but more keywords stuffed in the content.

And it hides from a user for the crawler. It is the black hat seo technique, Google allows only 1-3 keyword density on the page.

12) What is Keyword Frequency?

 Keyword Frequency is how frequently a keyword or a keyword phrase appears on the web page or in the content. It mainly helps to determine how people can find your website or content organically.

13) Define SEO?

SEO is the process of ranking your website on the top of the search results for a particular set of keywords.

It Increases the Quality and Quantity of organic traffic to your website through search results.

It is mainly useful for improving your site to increase its visibility to relevant searches. 

14) How SEO Works?

SEO works on 3 major Steps;

1. Crawling: Google uses small software programs called spiders or crawlers also called bots. These bots go to every page they scan and read the whole page, compare one word with another and index the webpage.

2. Indexing: Every time a web crawler visits a web page, this crawlers makes a copy and then adds its URL to the index. This adding process is called indexing. Because of this indexing process it’s important to  link every page in your website with other.

3. Page Rank: For every web page google will give rank it is called page rank. This page rank range is 1-10. Google web search engine calculates the page rank for every web page.  

15) Types of SEO?

On page: It directly deals with the structure and content of the website.

Off page: It boosts your search engine rankings by getting external links pointing  back to it.

16) What is Google sandbox?

It is a place where fresh and less authoritative sites were kept for a certain period of time. For new websites it is like a prohibition period and keep these sites inside the box.

Google requires some time for observing these sites before taking it out from that imaginary place. This may happen due to building of so many links within a short time span.

17) What is Google Autocomplete?

Whenever we start typing in the search box, this autocomplete function shows you a list of options to complete your search.

Ex- If u type New Y…. It shows related works like New York before your typing completes.

18) What is Search Volume?

It is defined as the number of times a keyword is being searched on an average over a month is called search volume.

19) How to do Keyword Research?

Keyword Research is the process of founding/ identifying the most relevant keyword for your business that has a high search volume and less competition. Hence we can rank on top in search engine rankings.

20) Types of Keywords in SEO?

  1. Short Tail: We cannot understand the user’s intention with this keyword. Ex- Digital Marketing

  2. Medium Tail: In these some specifications are mentioned but don’t know the complete meaning. Ex- Digital Marketing Agency

  3. Long Tail: Here we can understand the user’s intention very clearly. Ex- Digital Marketing Agency in Hyderabad

21) What are the key areas for using Keywords on ON Page?

  •  Title Tag
  • Meta Description
  • URL
  • H1 Heading 
  • Content 
  • Image Alt Tags

22) What is 301 Redirect?

It is a permanent redirect that redirects  users and search engines from an old page url to new page url.

23) What is Cross Linking?

Cross linking is defined as linking one site to another, linking relevant keywords to related content.

24) What are  Google Webmaster tools?

Google Webmaster tools is the gathering of web utilities that helps website owners  make sure that their site is Google friendly.

Google Webmaster tools is a free service by Google, here we check the details like Daily users, Indexing data, Statistics, Search Queries, Click Through Rate, Backlinks Information, XML sitemap etc.

25) Difference between Clicks and Visits?

Clicks: It indicates the number of times any user clicks on an ad.

Visits: It indicates the number of unique sessions each visit creates.

26) What is Meta Tags?

Meta Tags means tagging of keywords in the priority position of your website or pages. Three important MetaTags in SEO.  

  • Title Tag
  • URL 
  • Description

27) What is Image Alt Tag?

It explains the appearance and function of an image on a page. It is called an alternative text for images. These alternative texts should also contain keywords. It helps Google for easy indexing of content for related images.

28) What is Cloaking?

Cloaking is the Black Hat SEO technique. 

The website content available for users is different from the content available to search engine crawlers, this technique shows different contents for crawlers and users.

Cloaking is a violation of webmaster guidelines.

29) What is Typo squatting?

Typo squatting also called as URL Hijacking, there are minor differences in the spellings of domain names. The two websites look the same.

30) How can you find whether your SEO campaign is working or not?

By following steps:

  •  First you have to check the website statistics.
  • Check the traffic of your website.
  • Check the keywords of the website, whether they are ranking or not.
  • Delete non-performing keywords and add new keywords.
  • Number of search results will tell where your website stand.

31) what is Google Dance?
Google Dance occurs when major updates happen on the database maintained by Google.

32) what is Google Plus?

Google plus are considered as genuine votes given by google for web pages.

 More Google plus helps to get high search engine rankings.

33) What is LSI?

LSI stands for Latent Schematic Indexing, it is a data retrieval technique.

LSI shows alternative synonyms for your primary keywords.

34) Define Google Rich Answer Box?

 It is a new feature where Google attempts to answer the search queries directly without having to click on the link.

35) What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority is the measure of the power of a Domain, It is a term given by a company called MOZ. DA score ranges from 1-100.

 Domain Authority majorly based on 3 factors

  • Age of the website
  • Popularity of the website
  • Quality of the backlinks 

36) Difference between Inbound links and Outbound links?

Inbound link: A link coming from another website to our website is called Inbound links.

Outbound link: These are the links that link your website with another website.

37) What is a Do-follow link?

 It is a default link, Google automatically crawls the page and passes authority from one website to another whenever it finds the dofollow link. More dofollow links means better ranking in SERP.

SEO value of the originating page is shared.

Bots/crawlers will crawl this dofollow links.

38) What is a No-follow link?

Here Google webmaster tells search engines not to crawl and follow this particular link.

No follow is an HTML attribute, SEO value will not be shared.

39) Different ways to build backlinks?

Backlinks can be build by using following ways,

  •  Local listing, Business listing
  • Classified listing
  • Directory submissions
  • Social book markings
  • Guest blogging
  • Blog commenting
  • Event listing
  • Social profiles
  • Podcast submission
  • Video and image submission
  • Pdf & Ppt submission
  • Paid backlinks
  • Competitor backlinks

40) Important SEO Tools?

  • Ubersuggest
  • Keyword. Io
  • Ahrefs
  • Semrush 
  • Spyfu
  • Google webmaster tools

41) What is Bounce Rate?

It is defined as the percentage of visitors that leave the webpage without doing any action. Action  such as making purchases, clicking on links, filling forms etc.

42) What is AMP?

AMP-Accelerated Mobile Pages

It is a project developed by Google to make fast mobile pages. It improves the speed and readability of mobile content pages.

43) What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive web design makes web pages perform well on different devices like Mobile, Laptop, Tablet etc.

It ensures a great viewing experience for users no matter what device they used to access for viewing your website.

44) What is the use of anchor text in SEO? 

Anchor text is a link given by any term or phrase, where it  should be visible and clickable text in a hyperlink.

45) What are Long Tail Keywords?

Long tail keywords contain 4+ words. It makes search results more specific.

Long tail keywords are less in search and it contains less traffic when compared to short tail.

Because of this less traffic they rank better than short tail keywords.

46) What are Matt cutts?

Matt Cutts are the head of Google web spam team.

47) Difference between Page Views and Sessions?

Session: A session indicates that it is a single visit to your website.

Page View: It represents that every individual time a page on your website is being loaded by the user.

48) What is Google My Business?

It is a service Offered by Google, It requires the following data;

  • Adding and updating Business Information.
  • Adding photos of the business.
  • Interaction with consumers.
  • Responds to Google reviews on time.
  • Manage business information.

49) How to avoid Google Penalty?

 By following below steps:

  •  Make sure the website is simple and well performing.
  • Website should be Mobile friendly and user friendly.
  • No broken links.
  • No duplicate content should present on website.
  • Use  tags and related keywords.
  • If you have bad page rank then don’t like to any other site.
  • Don’t steal texts or images from other domains.
  • Don’t redirect to another page.

50) Define Robot.text File?

It is a text file. It tells web robots which pages on your website to crawl and which pages not to crawl. Use Robot.txt generator for settings.

51) What is Sitemap.XML?

It displays the list of your website URLs.

It acts as a road map that tells search engines what content is available in the website and how we can reach it.

Sitemap generator is used to check the details of the websites.

52) Types of SEO Techniques?

It contains 3 types of SEO Techniques; They are

  1. White Hat: This technique follows all the rules and policies for improving the websites rankings no matter what.
  • High Quality content
  • Relevant keywords
  • Quality Inbound links
  1. Grey Hat: They follow the rules but some of the concepts are not ethical in Grey hat. They build the techniques from both white hat and black hat SEO.
  • Spamming internal links
  • Dubious content
  • Link purchases
  1. Black Hat: This technique doesn’t follow the rules and violates all the ethical practices which are involved in improving page rank. 
  • Cloaking
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Spamming Redirects
  • Content duplication

53) Google Algorithms

Google Panda: Google introduced panda update in the year 2011. It analyses the duplicated, plagiarized and stuffed content. It penalizes low quality websites based on content and it also rewards high quality websites.

Google Penguin: Google introduced the penguin update in the year 2012. It hunts the sites which contain spam backlinks, link farms, buying links, black hat links building techniques. This update helps Google to find the websites which are building links by violating Google guidelines.

Google Hummingbird: It started in the year 2013. It helps Google to understand better about the intention of keywords. It does search more about context. It hunts for stuffed keywords and low quality content.

Google Rank Brain: It mainly focuses on shallow content and lack of query specific features.

54) What is NAP?

NAP means Name, Address and Phone Number.

It helps Google to identify the list of companies to be displayed according to searches for specific locations.

55) Why do we do Competitor Analysis?

It is a strategy where you can identify your major competitors and also you can research their products, sales and marketing strategies.

It mainly used to identify the strengths and weakness of current and potential competitors. It is also used to identify your current status of your website.

56) What is Title Tag in SEO?

Title Tag is essential in SEO, with the Title Tag Google and users understand the purpose of the webpage. Set of rules we have to follow for Title Tag:

  • Title should contain keyword
  • Title should be attractive
  • Try to use numeric values on the title
  • Title should be around 60 characters

57) What is Content? How is it useful in SEO?

Content is the process of creating and sharing content to promote a brand and create interest in its products and services. Content like text, images, videos, blogs, vlogs, social media posts, Quora etc.

We have to follow below rules while making writing content:

  • Avoid spelling, grammatical and punctuation mistakes.
  • Make sure to write 800 words for each page.
  • Don’t copy the content from other websites.
  • Make sure the keyword density should  be around 1-3%.

58) What are Meta Descriptions?

Meta description is an HTML attribute, it conveys what is present in the page. The description is up to 160 characters. By seeing the description only Google and the user understands what is present inside the website. Try to design the description in an attractive way so that users read more in the webpage and it improves your CTR.

59) Some important ON-Page SEO Rules for Website?

  • Website should be mobile-friendly.
  • Clicking buttons should be big, bold and large.
  • Do not use unnecessary styles and scripts on your website.
  • Make sure your website is www resolved.
  • Use permanent redirect.
  • Make sure your website has an SSL certificate (HTTPS secured).
  • Add a favicon for your website (favourite icon).
  • Try to maintain Domain life for more than 3 months.
  • Use social sharing/ OG-Open Graph protocol for your website.

60) What is Google Trends?

It monitors the popularity of a keyword in a particular region in a particular time frame. It understands user intention clearly by using real-time search data.                   

Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers - Google Ads

Google Adwords Interview Questions and Answers

1) What is Google Ads?

Google Ads are Google’s online Advertising platform where advertisers have to pay to display their Ads on Google Search Engine Results Page and other relevant Google Partner websites. It is also called as paid results.   

  • We can get Quick and Instant traffic.
  • We can choose the targeted audience.
  • It increases your online sales.

2) Where do Google Ads Appear?

Google Ads has 2 Networks:

  • Search Network: It mainly covers Google search engine results page (SERP), Google Maps, Google play and some other search sites that partner with Google.
  • Display Network: It Covers Google sites like Youtube, Gmail, Blogger and third party sites or Blogs that are partnered with Google.

3) Types of Google Ads?

There are different types of Google Ads;

  • Text Ads: Ads Display on Google search page ( Ad Icon).
  • Text Ads with Extension: Ads  with extra details like Address and Phone Number etc.
  • Responsive Ads: It shows Ads according to the size of the display. 

                               a. Responsive Search

                               b. Responsive Display

  • Shopping Ads: These Ads will appear when we search for products on Google.
  • Image Ads: Here Ads will appear in the form of images.
  • Video Ads: Ads appear on video platforms like YouTube. Ex- Skip Ads
  • App Promotion Ads: Ads for promoting mobile apps.
  • Call only Ads: It displays mobile numbers on the site, so that people can call directly to your business.
  • Rich Media Ads: It is the combination of Image Ads and Display Ads.

4) How AdWords Work?
It works like an auction system, it works when the user carries a keyword search. The ad position based on the Quality score and maximum bid amount. These two play a major role in Ad ranking. If the Quality score and Bid amount is high then there are better chances to rank on top of page.

5) Advantages of Google Ads?

  • We can easily reach our potential customers whenever they are searching relevant keywords so there is a chance that our ad is visible to them.
  • We can use a targeting system which helps to show our ad to the right people at the right place at the right time.
  • Google Ads has budget control, you can decide how much to spend on every day and also you can adjust for how many days.
  • Google Ad Campaigns have a pause and play option so you pause your campaign and make changes whenever you want.
  •  You can measure and analyse your campaign by using a Reporting System. And you can make your campaign a better performing one by using this system.

6) Define PPC? 

PPC stands for Pay Per Click, which is one of the advertising models. Here advertisers pay when users click on the ad.  They will pay for each click hence it is named as Pay Per Click method. PPC brings instant traffic for the business that is the reason this method is so popular one.

7) Define Text Ads?

Text ads are the easiest and most powerful ads. It is of 3 types.

  1. Heading- up to 30  characters.
  2. URL- up to 15 characters.
  3. Description- up to 90 characters.

8) What are Google Ad Extensions?

It is the process of expanding your ad with additional information. By this it improves ad visibility, performance and CTR and creates interest to contact you.

There are Different types of Ad Extensions:

  • Structure Snippet  Extension        
  • Site Link Extension
  • Call Out  Extension
  • Location Extension
  • Mobile App Extension
  • Click to Message Extension
  • Offer Extension
  • Price Extension
  • Promotion Extension
  • Review Extension

9) Types of Keywords in Google Ads?

Keywords are nothing but words or phrases that advertisers use to drive traffic to their website by bidding on them on Google Ads. There are different types of keywords. 

  • Niche keywords: These are highly specific long tail keywords.
  • Broad Match: These keywords are searched commonly by a large number of people.
  • Phrase Match:  By this method we can attract more traffic because getting traffic with exact matches is low.
  • Exact Match: These appear when user searches for exact search queries.
  • Negative Keywords: It makes ads invisible whenever users search for specific keywords. 

10) What are the Primary Models for determining PPC?

Flat rate PPC:  Here both  publisher and advertiser agreed to a fixed amount that will be paid for every click that happened.

Bid based PPC: It is a private auction  system hosted by a publisher, here one advertiser competes with another advertiser.     

11) Some important terms in Google Ads?

Impression: Number of times ad appeared

Clicks: Number of clicks an ad received

CTR (Click Through Rate): Number of clicks/ Number of impressions x 100

CPC: Cost per each click

Cost: Total amount spent on the ad

Conversions: Total number of leads or sales happened

Conversion value: The volume of each conversion x total number of     conversions

Cost/Conversion: Total cost/ Total number of conversions

Conversion rate: Number of conversions/ Number of clicks x 100

Conversion value/ cost: The value of each conversion x Total number of conversions / Amount spent

CPM: Cost per 1000 Impressions

VCPM: Viewable Cost per 1000 Impressions

CPV: Cost per View

CPA: Cost per Acquisition

12) What is User Intentions?

Understanding user intentions is very important based on the keyword the user searches. We have to understand what exactly the user is looking for. Most of the users intentions are as follows:

  • I want to know
  • I want to go
  • I want to do
  • I want to buy

13) What is the character limit of a destination URL?

Destination URL’s character limit is 1024 characters.

14) Define Ad Rank?

Positioning of your Ad is called Ad Rank.

Ad rank is based on Quality score and Bid amount.

Ad rank formula:- Multiply by maximum bid with Quality score.

15) Define Quality Score?

Google will give ratings based on the quality and relevance of both keywords and PPC ads.

We have to multiply the maximum bid to determine the ad rank in the ad auction process.

Good Quality score is between 8-10

High intent keywords 7-9

Low intent keywords 7

16) What is Bidding?

Bidding is  nothing but advertisers have to pay a maximum amount of money for each click on an advertisement.

Some of the bidding options are CPC, CPM, CPA                            

17) Define CTR?

CTR is an important metric that determines the number of clicks advertisers receive on their ads per number of impressions.

It simply tells that  the number of visitors visits your ad on the web page.

     CTR= Number of clicks / Number of impressions x 100

18) What is Ad words Ad structure?

  3 types:

               1. Ad accounts: It consists of  details like Email address, password and billing information.

               2. Ad campaigns: It contains budget planning and their settings that determines where these ads appear.

               3. Ad groups: It consists of similar keywords and ads.

19) Types of Ad campaign

 1. Search Campaign:  Here Ads will appear on SERP and other Google search sites, it happens when people search for keywords related to your site. It increases traffic, conversions and sales.

2. Display Campaign:  In this ads appear on Google display network. Here targeting users based on the topics, demographics, placement targeting, keyword targeting, interested audience etc.

3. Search with Display opt-In:  Here search ads will run on both search and display mediums. Text ads are visible on SERP and also visible on relevant places in the display network.

4. Video Campaign:   Running campaigns to display ads on video platforms like youTube and other different video related sites on Google display network. Ex- skippable and Non-skippable ads, Discovery ads, Bumper ads etc.

5. Shopping Campaign:   Shopping ads are mainly used for retailers who want to promote their products online. Ex- shopping ads on SERP and other Google sites.

6. Universal App Campaign:  This campaign is mainly used to promote your mobile apps on search, display and YouTube.

20) What is Google Ads Remarketing?

Remarketing also called Retargeting, the name itself tells that targeting again to increase conversion rates.

It is a strategy that marketers want to reach people. Here people are who already visit their website but they don’t make any purchases.

This remarketing system targets people with the right ad at the right time.

21) Adwords Ad characters Limit?

 Headings and Subheadings- 30 characters

 Description- 90 characters.

22) How to increase Conversion Rates?

  • Good Quality score
  • Using Negative Keywords
  • Landing page optimization
  • Exact keywords
  • Click Through Rate

23) Difference between Adwords and Adsense?

Adwords: It advertises business on Google’s network

Adsense: It reserves space for adwords placement on their website for publishers.

24) Ideal approaches for effective PPC Campaigns?

  • Adding more PPC related keywords for more reach.
  • Splitting ad into small segments for better CTR.
  • Every time review the keywords and remove non performing and expensive keywords.
  • Refine landing pages to align with search queries.
  • Add more negative keywords to improve campaign relevancy.

25) What is Ad rotation?

It is one of the campaign settings in Google adwords. It rotates your ad automatically in the ad group.

26) Qualities for Good PPC Landing Page?

Good PPC landing page should contain following:

  • A clear call to action
  • Trust symbols
  • A powerful Headline
  • An image showing context
  • Page loading time
  • Quality content
  • User friendly
  • Don’t build too many links
  • Follow guidelines
  • Easy Navigation 

27) Important components of PPC Campaign?

  • Keywords
  • Bid amount
  • Call to Action
  • Landing Page

28) What options cannot be changed after creating an account?

Currency and Time Zone cannot be changed. Hence we fill these details very carefully while we create an account.

29) What is Conversion Optimization?

Conversion Optimization is the process of determining how a website can increase the ratio of visitors to actual customers.

30) What is AdWords Express?

It is a method used by Google, it makes Google AdWords simple to users with less budget. It mainly targets small and local businesses to reduce the budget, time and effort. So these businesses tell Google about their goals then Google will take care of the rest of the things.

Digital Marketing Interview Questions - Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

1) What is Social Media Marketing?

It is the process of using social media sites as marketing platforms for interacting and engaging with customers  to maintain good customer relations is called social media marketing.

Social media contains different forms such as blogs, vlogs, wikis, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, photo sharing sites, video sharing, podcasts, widgets etc.

We can easily promote our brand through social media for free of cost. With Social media our brand can reach a large number of people.

2) What are the 5 Pillars of Social Media Marketing?

  • Strategy
  • Planning and Publishing
  • Engagement
  • Analysis
  • Advertising

3) About Facebook Marketing?

Facebook is the most popular social networking site which is used by over a billion people world wide. Facebook was started in the year 2006.

Facebook mainly used to connect and interact with people. It is also used for product marketing, brand value will reach a maximum number of people. 

 Facebook types:  1. Pages                     

                                2. Groups

                                   3. Events

4) Define Facebook Ad formats?

  • Video
  • Images
  • Slideshow
  • Offers
  • Lead generation
  • Page like

5) About Instagram Marketing?

Instagram launched in 2010, it is an image and video sharing social network  platform.

Brands use Instagram platform to connect with their target audience to market their products.

Instagram has different options like follow, being followed, private message, commenting, liking images and videos.

6) How to use Instagram for social media marketing?

We can use product images to urge people to purchase their products.

 Easily find and connect influencers.

 Do Competitor Analysis.

 Use Instagram Analytics.

 Always prefer the right time for posting.

7) About Twitter?

  • Twitter was introduced in the year 2010.
  • Twitter has over 300 million users.
  •  It is an Online news and Social networking site.
  •  In twitter users post and engage with messages known as tweets and retweets.

8) How will you get more Retweets?

  •  Good information with images and videos
  •  Hashtags
  •  Link sharing
  •  Ask for Retweets
  •  Posting news with interesting content
  •  Use native language

9) How will you boost Twitter posts?

  • Schedule the tweets and maintain a calendar to organize tweets.
  • Always find the right time to post.
  • For reaching the target audience quickly try twitter paid ads.
  • Use proper Hashtags.
  • Share images, links and quality content for more reach.

10) What are the best practices on Twitter?

  • Use analytics and maintain proper strategies.
  • Use tools to schedule tweets.
  • Stick to 2-3 Hashtags only.
  • Tweets should be simple and not lengthy.
  • Always connect with the target audience.

11) About LinkedIn?

It is the world’s largest professional and employment-related online service network launched in 2003.

It mainly helps businesses and job seekers connecting to so many companies for professional services

LinkedIn should be used to promote business by following steps:

  • Using LinkedIn analytics
  • Use ads to attract audience
  • Sharing business ideas and tips to target the audience.
  • Check the updates regularly.

12) How can we measure social media success?

Social media success may be measured by using following metrics like Traffic, leads and customers. We should count the number of followers, by doing this we can easily understand our social media reach.

We have to find how many people visit your site from them, how many become leads and from these leads how many are turning into actual customers. 

We can also check some other metrics- likes, comments, shares, reactions and replies to the post.

13) Impact of social media on Marketing?

  • Nowadays the majority of the people use social  networking sites. So consumption of social media is increasing day by day.
  • So it is mandatory for brands to market on social media to increase their sales to reach their target audience.
  • We can answer their queries here about the product.
  • We can get more traffic to the site by using this social media for marketing.
  • It increases brand authority and it also helps to understand customer intention about brands.
  •  Using social media increases your brand sales and leads.

14) Benefits of Social Media for Business?

  • Cost effectiveness, even small companies can afford.
  • Social media paid campaigns are cheaper than other campaigns.
  • Social media makes communication easy, so that customers can communicate about their interested brands.
  • Nowadays irrespective of age all people are using social media, so it’s easy to target all demographics.
  • Social media marketing increases website traffic, converting it into leads and boosting sales.
  • We can identify customer interests based on their searches.

15) Why is Social Media so popular?

  • No cost
  • User friendly
  • Connecting people world wide
  • Helps main businesses for sales
  • Global web index report says around 54% of people use social media for product research
  • Easy to understand customer needs

16) How to handle Negative comments in social media?

By following methods:

  • Quick Response
  • Create FAQs
  • No third replies
  • Don’t delete negative comments
  • Give reply to each comment
  • Proper documentation about complaints
  • Consult Managers

17) What is Facebook Edge rank?

It is a Facebook algorithm to identify what users are seeing in their news feed.

From this Facebook show related content to the user based on their search and make them spend more time on Facebook and return to Facebook more often.

We can increase Facebook Edge rank by following:

  • Post regularly
  • Post rich and related content
  • Keep it short and simple
  • Post at right time
  • Post according to audience interest

18) How to Boost Facebook Organic Traffic?

  • Write some interesting content
  • Always engage with target audience
  • Paid promotions
  • Tag people who are related to the content
  • Post at the right time.

19) Some social media success tips?

  • Post regularly
  • Answer all queries
  • Connect to target audience
  • Immediate reply for negative comments
  • Post Quality content
  • Track and analyze performance
  • Do audits
  • Maintain proper strategies

20) what is the right time to post on social media?

Time between 1 pm and 4 pm everyday is the good time to post on social media because  at this time websites got the highest click through rate. 

Before 8 am and after 8 pm is not the preferable time to post on social media. Generally, Wednesday afternoon is a suitable time for posting.

21) What are the major KPIs on social media?

  • Number of likes
  • Number of comments
  • Number of shares
  • Number of views
  • Number of visits
  • Number of followers
  • Number of clicks
  • Based on location
  • Based on Demographics
  • Traffic to the website

22) What are the elements of a viral video?

      1. Target audience: First find out the target audience for your video. Have to concentrate on niche-targeted people rather than all people who are non relevant, by this we can make video viral.

      2. Time: First 30 seconds of the video plays a major role. Make sure the viewer cannot feel bored while watching. Viewers decide to watch the entire video based on the first 30 seconds.

     3. Catchy: The video title should be very attractive so that viewers interested to watch video and click-through rate will increase.

     4. Promoting: We can increase online reach for the video by pushing it into the public like sending the video to influencers, bloggers, vloggers which are relatable to the video.

23) How ROI is calculated for social media?

By following ways:

  • Traffic
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Lead Generation
  • Clicks
  • Relevance

24) About RSS Feed?

RSS- Rich Site Summary

 It is an Xml file.

It allows readers to subscribe to their feed by pushing content to companies’ sites.

25) List some of the Social Media Marketing Tools?

  1. Sprout social: It manages searches, brands and multiple pages.

  2. Tweet Deck: It handles multiple social media platforms.

  3. Hootsuite:  Monitors social media dashboard

  4. Buffer: It scheduled posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

  5. Social Clout: It is an analytics tool which helps on tracking of engagement and ROI (Return On Investments).

  6. Audience: This tool helps to identify new target audiences and divide them into categories.

  7. ZeroFOX: This tool helps companies to be safe from hackers.

  8. CrowdBooster: It shows real-time data, with this you can analyze and make reports with your KPIs.

Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers - Email Marketing

E Mail Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

1) What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a process  of sending commercial messages about the details of the product or service  using electronic mails typically sent to current and potential customers. 

It is one of the best ways to reach your target audience by sending electronic mails for getting leads.

2) What is the best time to send Emails?

It is the most important interview question. Early mornings and weekends are the preferable time to send emails, you can also remember that those days and times are responsible for more number of unsubscribes and bounce as well.

It is good to send emails on Wednesday afternoons for the safe side. Identify your target audience and send mails on different days and different times and check which works best.

3) How many Emails should i send to my customers?

Sending one email for each month is fine. Some companies suggest sending 2-3 emails a month but every person varies from another. Some feel irritated and may unsubscribe.

It all depends on the audience, you analyze them and send mails accordingly.

4) How can you Grow Email Subscribers List?

Some best methods to increase your Subscribers list are as follows:

  • Write awesome and quality content.
  • Frequently forwards updated content mails to encourage your present subscribers.
  • Collect the details about the offers and forward these mails. 
  • Promote different offers by using social media platforms.
  • Give some offers like free E books and make them give their email addresses for free downloading of E books.

5) What are the success metrics of an Email Campaign?

  • Website traffic
  • Click through rate
  • Conversions
  • Referral business
  • Open Rate
  • Reply Rate
  • Click Rate 
  • Subscription Rate

6) What is Email deliverability?

Email deliverability means the number of emails delivered to the target audience without any failure.

Formula: Number of emails delivered / Number of emails sent.

7) What is an Email Header?

An email contains three main components

        1. Envelope

         2. Email Header

         3. Main Body

This Email Header is the first part and it contains details like subject of the email, date and sender that are mandatory. Some options are subject and CC. Whenever email forwarded the subject, date and sender is the headers along with the body of the email.

8) Top 5 pointers in Email Checklist?

  • Purpose of Email
  • Good Response
  • Attach supporting documents
  • Subject line should be simple and precise with a complete message
  • Check the content if there any spam is present or not

9) How to prevent Email from getting into a scam?

  •  Don’t use too many colored fonts.
  • Check if the domain name is blacklisted or not.
  • Length of your subject should not exceed 45 characters.
  • Use one exclamation mark at one time.
  • Don’t send too many mails at the same time, spam filters will caught and send that mails to spam

10) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Email Marketing?


  • More audience.
  • Internet users check emails regularly.
  • If planning done properly with good strategies we can get good Return on Investments by Email Marketing.
  • It is a widely used and most popular internet service, hence most people are aware of email marketing.


  • So many mails are not delivered due to filtering.
  • Spamming mails may cause inconvenience to the target audience.
  • Have to be very careful even mirror mistakes may lead to filtering of emails.

11) Explain CAN spam act?

It is a law that sets the standards for business email

  • For commercial messages it builds prerequisites.
  • It gives rights to the recipients  for stopping mails from you.
  • Spells out tough punishments for violating rules.

12) Difference between hard and soft bounce mail?

Email bounce happens when the email cannot be delivered to the email address which you are selected

Hard bounce: It is an email message with permanent delivery failure. This may happen due to incorrect or invalid email addresses, old domain etc.

Soft bounce: It is a temporary delivery failure of an email. This may happen due to temporary problems with the recipient server like mailbox full, incorrect email address etc.

13) Different types of Email Campaigns?


          These can be used to stay in touch with target customers regularly and this helps to drive more traffic to your website.

Marketing offer:

           Marketing offers are the best to drive  direct and immediate response. These are good at showing your latest stocks and convenience them to buy. These email campaigns are the best if they give offers and do promotions. It includes direct CTA (Call To Action) for people to click through to your site. 


           These mails are mainly used for announcing new products, features or a service.  They keep your customers updated about the new launches of your products and services.

Event Invitation: 

            It creates awareness  of your event. These emails are used to send to encourage your current and potential customers to attend the event.

14) Explain complaint or abuse Rates?

These complain or abuse rate tells you the total number of subscribers who named your email as spam.

It is advisable your complaint rate not to exceed 0.05 percent.  The ideal rate is around 0.02 percent. IT changes from one business to another. Don’t hide your un subscribers list to reduce complaint rates, even if they are, they leave your site.

15) Explain Segmentation?

Segmentation is the process of dividing your users into segments  to send mails.

Different ways of segmentation in Email marketing.

  • Recency- when do customers make a last purchase from you.
  • Frequency- How frequently customers buy from you.
  • Monetary value- How much money they are spending.

16) What are the Metrics used to analyze the success of the campaign?

  • Conversions
  • CTR
  • Click Rate
  • Open Rate

17) What should be your checklist before sending an Email?

  • Purpose of your mail.
  • Identify what type of response you want from the recipient.
  • Check all the documentation you attached before sending email.
  • Check that your subject successfully summarizes your main message.
  • Check spam score before sending email.

18) What is the use of landing pages?

  • From the landing page we can get more traffic.
  • It attracts more people to visit your site
  • It analyzes the success of the campaign.
  • It shows quality content about your products.
  • It shows the data in the form of images.

19) What is the unsubscribe rate?

It defines how many number of people unsubscribed from your emails are known as unsubscribes.

20) Define following terms:

1. Open Rates: It defines that number of people who open emails that you send.

Open Rates are measured in percentage. Normally 30% is considered as good that means out of 10 mails delivered to the box, 3 mails were actually opened.

2. Forward Rate: It defines how often that the people open email and read the message and like it so that they can share with some other. Forward rates are also called referral rates or share rates.

3. Churn rate: It explains how the list is growing after the unsubscribes, hard bounces and complaints.

The average churn rate is around 25% per year. It gives information that you are losing 25% subscribers per year, to keep your list in the same position and  equally effective you have to add 25% new subscribers to your list to level the same rate.

Digital Marketing Interview Questions - Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

1) What is Affiliate Marketing?

It is the way of performance based marketing, also called a revenue sharing method where individuals or teams market products  for which they make commission on each sale that happens  through them.

Affiliate marketer advertises product or service on their website or blog and takes some profit.

2)  What is an Affiliate program?

Affiliate program runs by Amazon and is named as Amazon Associate Program and started in 1996. Here we have to link with Amazon and advertise their products.

The marketing should be like a detailed explanation about the product and product review. Whenever a user clicks a product on your website it redirects to the Amazon page and buys from their. By doing this you can get some amount of money as a percentage from each sale.

3) How can Affiliate Marketing help Business?

It helps your business by following steps:

  • Global access to the publishers.
  • With promotional activities we can expose our product to new customers 
  • Cost effectiveness with good return on investments (ROI)
  • It is an easy way to market products and saves a lot of time.

4) What are the different types of links you can create under the Affiliate Program?

  • Simple text links
  • Image and text links 
  • Banners

5)  Define Scrubbing Leads in Affiliate Marketing?

Scrubbing Leads is a process where we tell the affiliate not to promote the product or service of the owner anymore. This process happens when affiliate performance is not good and not getting leads.

It causes damage to the owner’s reputation by doing poor marketing for the product without having proper knowledge.

6) Define Shaving Leads in Affiliate Marketing?

Shaving Leads is a process where some of the affiliate leads are discarded or not considered in the final calculations when paying commission. This happened due to the violation of rules, poor performance or else unethical behaviour of the affiliate. Company shaves off the affiliate ids when it reaches the maximum limit.

7) Some of the important tools for Affiliate Marketers?

  • Google Keyword Planner: It is used to target the right keywords for making amazing content to attract users.
  • Google Search Console: This tool is used to check the performance of your  website. By using Google Search Console you check that  your site is accessed with Google or not. And it also used to check the performance of the website.
  • Ahrefs: It is mainly used to do competitor analysis. It gives the details like how much traffic competitor is getting for a particular keyword. It is also used to do a backlink process for your content and target keywords.
  • SEMRush: It is used to identify the powerful keywords for your posts on a website. It also tells what is working for your website.
  • Buzzsumo: It helps you to do good strategies on content.

8)  Can we use Affiliate Marketing for Lead Generation?

Yes, Generally we do Affiliate marketing for selling products, before that leads happened. Because with those leads only we can get sales by converting leads into sales. Lead is an important aspect in selling products.

9) How many ways you can promote your products on Social media?

To be successful in social media, you need to be active in all social media platforms regularly by posting. 

  • Quality Content: Before buying a product audience will check all the details of the product. In Order to do that we provide high quality and effective content to the audience, and the content should be readable.
  • Communication: Based on the content only the audience shows interest to know more about the product and they stay connected with you.
  • Quality Images: Some audiences show interest in the product based on the images. We can use good and effective images to draw customers attention.
  • Selective Products: Affiliate marketer should understand the audience’s interest and choose the products according to it and market them.

10) What trends do you see in Affiliate Marketing in future?

  • Powerful Content
  • More Discounts and Cashbacks
  • Digital influencers
  • Easy ways to track from mobiles

11) Importance of Social Media in Affiliate Marketing?

  • Cost Effectiveness
  • All types of demographics in social media
  • More Link juice

It’s easy to use their own account

12) Some of the unethical practices of Affiliate Marketers?

  • Using unauthorized Trademarks or Service Marks
  • False advertisements about products
  • Typo squatting ( Similar Domain name with minor spelling mistake)
  • Spamming
  • Stuffed more cookies

13) What is an Affiliate Disclosure Statement:

 It reveals the user that there may be an Affiliate link on the website. They pay commission to the publisher if these links are clicked and if sales happen from them.

14) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Affiliate Marketing?


  •  We can get commission from each sale.
  • Your product will expose to a new audience when we tap on different skills of your publisher.
  • It’s easy to manage and maintain the budget.
  • Cost effectiveness.


  • Time consuming process.
  • It’s hard to find a team of royal publishers.
  • Need to be aware of compliance issues.

15) What are Native Shopping Ads?

Native Shopping Ads are a very creative form of advertising, Amazon sell their products in a creative way on its affiliate websites.

These products are mostly relevant to users search and maintained in a creative manner. These can be placed at the bottom of the content or in between of the content.
Start your own Affiliate Marketing website with cheap domain.

Digital Marketing Interview Questions - Content Marketing

Content Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

1) Define Content Marketing?

It is a process of creating and sharing content to promote a brand and to create interests on its products or services. 

The main goal of content marketing is to provide valuable information in the form of content for free. By doing this we can create trust about our products or services to consumers.

Content should be in the form of texts, images and videos, blogs, vlogs, Social media posts, quora Q/A type etc.

2) How  often should i post fresh content on my site?

There are no such rules to post this much content, ideally twice a week is fine but keep in my mind that Google will give more importance to the sites which are updating their data very frequently.

It all depends on your time and efforts. You can post content once in every day or twice a day should also be fine. 

3) Steps for developing a content marketing strategy?

  • Identify the target audience
  • Type of content
  • Check Demographics
  • Check the performance of previous content
  • Write content according to company brand
  • Quality matters
  • Content should be easily understand by audience

4) Importance of keywords in Content Marketing?

  • Target our related audience easily with keywords.
  • Easy to rank on search engines by using relevant keywords.
  • Based on keywords users and google understand they are relatable.
  • Include secondary keywords in the content  to get more traffic to the site.

5) Some common Content Marketing  Mistakes?

  • Giving importance to quantity than Quality.
  • Content not related to products.
  • Writing blogs that are more overly salesy.
  • Not mentioning time and place of sales in your content.

6) Which content is better Short-form or Long-form?

There is no particular theory to decide which one is better. Some people say that short and sweet is best because consumers find information quickly about the product and it’s easy to understand the product.  Some research tells that long content contains each and every details  and users get in depth information about the product. 

7) What Qualifies as Content Marketing?

Most people think that content is only in the form of blogs and it’s easy to post content as blogs, but it’s not true, content will be available in different types. Any valuable information conveyed in the form of any medium is content marketing. 

Some of the types of Content Marketing are as follows:

  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Slide shares
  • PDFs
  • Podcasts
  • White papers
  • E books
  • webinars  

8) How important is it to share my Content on Social Media?

It’s essential to share content on social media. Writing content and posting on blogs is not sufficient to get traffic to the website, we have to share it as much as possible to get maximum reach. Some people will make content and spend the majority of time maintaining strategies for getting traffic.   

9) Define Editorial calendar in Content Marketing?

It is a document that plans and executes Content. It assigns writing, keyword research and other tasks to key members of your team. It makes work easy and completed on time.

10) What makes Content Successful?

Successful content may be depends on following steps:

  • Traffic to the site
  • Repetitive visitors
  • Likes, Retweets
  • Search Engine Rankings.

With this, we come to the end of this blog on “Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers”. I hope it added value to your knowledge of Digital Marketing.

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